National Working Group

National Working Group

ASFCC has been very supportive in the development of the community forestry in Myanmar. At the initial stage of ASFCC, RECOFTC supported the Myanmar Government to organize a national inception workshop on social forestry that underlined the importance that community forestry plays in building resilient communities that will withstand the impacts of climate change.  


At the same time, the meeting also recommended to make greater use of the network for learning exchanges. This recommendation led to the establishment of a national working group in the country. In phase II, it is strongly suggested that ASFCC should work closely with Myanmar Government to strengthen the capacity of the CF national working group and provide technical support and guidance through various modalities.


Considering the need for learning interventions platform and as repository of information of best practices from other countries, in phase II, it is crucial to also support the establishment or development of a CF national working group in other countries in the ASEAN.


For more information on progress of development of national social forestry wirking group in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Thailand, please find it here