Call for nominations: Program Advisory Committee members for Explore

Explore, a leading research network dedicated to forest landscape governance in Southeast Asia, is seeking nominations for new members for its Program Advisory Committee (PAC). Funded by the government of Sweden and hosted by RECOFTC in partnership with CIFOR-ICRAF, Explore aims to drive innovative research and support informed policy making in the region.
The Explore PAC
The PAC provides advisory guidance and technical/scientific support to Explore, and contributes to the larger research grant selection process. We are looking for candidates with strong backgrounds in forestry, natural resource management, environmental science, sociology, gender equality, community forestry and forest governance.
The PAC meets quarterly, ideally at the beginning of each quarter, to review the progress of the Explore program, discuss and approve the program’s workplans, and advise and approve the program’s important decisions. PAC members are expected to commit approximately 7–12 days per year for quarterly calls, primarily reviewing relevant documents for the PAC meetings and providing feedback and suggestions.
Current PAC composition
The 2022–2024 PAC comprises eight members, including experts in forestry, environmental science, natural resource management, sociology, gender equality and social inclusion, community forestry and forest governance. RECOFTC’s Deputy Executive Director and CIFOR-ICRAF’s Chief Operating Officer serve as ex-officio members. The PAC currently includes a representative from one of Explore’s research teams. The present formulation represents membership from Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, the Philippines and Viet Nam.
Proposed PAC structure
Explore aims to expand the PAC to 11 members:
- Seven members representing three sectors – government, private sector and development agencies – from Explore focal countries and the larger region
- Two ex-officio members from CIFOR-ICRAF and RECOFTC
- Two non-voting members from the Explore research teams
Selection criteria
As some PAC members conclude their current term in September 2024, Explore is recruiting four external candidates and two representatives from the research teams. We accept and encourage self-nomination.
We invite individuals who:
- Demonstrate research leadership and integrity
- Possess experience in forest governance research in Southeast Asia
- Advocate for gender equality, social inclusion and sustainable development
- Have strong professional networks and policy advocacy experience
- Bring experience with the private sector committed to sustainability, social responsibility, climate change and the circular economy, including advocacy for social and environmental safeguards.
- Work with Indigenous Peoples, local communities, NGOs or civil societies in the environment and forestry sectors
Selection process
The selection process for new PAC members will be transparent and inclusive.
- The Secretariat will launch a call for nominations through the Explore Community of Practice (COP) hosted on GLFx, and through partners’ and PAC members’ networks
- The nomination process will be accessible to all Explore COP members
- PAC members will assess candidates based on established criteria
- An overall final vote will consider all criteria and the potential contribution of each candidate to Explore’s objectives
- The Explore Secretariat will compile and analyze all votes, convening members of the current PAC to reach the final decision on four new PAC members at the next PAC quarterly meeting
- Newly appointed PAC members will be announced on the Explore COP platform following the meeting once agreements have been finalized with each member
Research team representatives
- The research teams will select two representatives through an anonymous voting survey, managed by the Secretariat
- Elected team representatives will provide insights on research implementation during PAC meetings but will not exercise voting rights
Nomination process
We request all nominators and self-nominees to fill out the nomination form and submit all supporting documents.
Deadline: All nominations must be submitted by 18 August 2024, 24:00 hours (UTC+7:00).
About Explore
Explore is a research network and community of practice dedicated to expanding and applying knowledge on forest landscape governance in Southeast Asia. The network is funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). It is hosted by RECOFTC, in partnership with the CIFOR-ICRAF, in collaboration with universities, research institutes, governments, civil society organizations, local communities, and the private sector in Southeast Asia.
For more information about Explore, contact
To become a member of Explore, visit
RECOFTC’s work is made possible with the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.