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Working with Local Communities in Forest Landscapes: Using a Participatory Development Communication Approach

27 Feb 2018
Serial No.
Working with Local Communities in Forest Landscapes: Using a Participatory Development Communication Approach

Applications are now being accepted for a regional learning workshop on applying a participatory development communication apporach in forest landscapes in the Asia and Pacific region. The workshop is an event of the Asia-Pacific Forestry Communication Network.

At the workshop, participants will share experiences in working with local communities and using communication and participatory approaches in that context. They will learn different communication approaches in development with an emphasis on participatory development communication. Participants will develop their own forest communication strategies and plans of action that include involving and learning from the local community in the identification of a problem, its potential solutions, and the decision to carry out a concrete initiative. Communication tools and participatory techniques will be explored. They will then identify follow-up modalities to finalize the strategies and implementation plan and discuss support needed for implementation.