Akar Tani Cooperative

Fundraising campaign
Since 1986, farmers in Bantaeng Regency, Indonesia, have been working to improve coffee planting activities. Right now, they are enhancing it.
"We can all survive thanks to coffee," M. Irzad Syafar told RECOFTC in 2018 while making a documentary about the Akar Tani Cooperative in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. In 2016, Syafar volunteered with several coffee farmers in Bantaeng when he realized there were problems in the local coffee supply chain. "I note that farmers have no chance at all to haggle in pricing for their commodities," Syafar said in his interview.
He knows that this practice is not good and must be stopped. So, together with colleagues from the local youth organization, Balang Institute, he founded the Akar Tani Cooperative. "If we are gathered in cooperatives," said Syafar, "we can set prices that will not change. Prices will not be lowered."
Three years later, Kopi Akar Tani continued to grow, with 24 people joining as members and covering more than 97 ha. As part of its mission, the Akar Tani Cooperative promotes sustainable business practices and works with farmers to increase coffee production. "To ensure sustainability and shared prosperity, we all must think about the resources available," said Syafar.
However, to do this, green support, responsible consumers, and financial contributions are needed in the sustainable business practices of the Akar Tani Cooperative. The contribution obtained will help the Akar Tani team get more members of farmers who want to join the Cooperative and train them in sustainable coffee production. In addition, this contribution will help the Cooperative market and give their specialty coffee brands better.
That is why The Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC) is proud to partner with the Akar Tani Cooperative to raise funds for cooperative activities and the local community. By donating to Give2Asia, this fund will help the development of Bantaeng coffee and at the same time, also improve the livelihoods and entrepreneurship of the local community..
These results will help the Akar Tani Cooperative to:
Develop marketing and branding coffee specialty.
Improve business development and financial management practices.
Train more farmers about sustainable agroforestry practices.
For more information on the Akar Tani Cooperative, please read some additional articles that tell the farmers' personal stories and the broader history of coffee in Indonesia.
Thank you for your contribution!