We believe in a future where people work equitably and sustainably in and alongside healthy, resilient forests.
To get there, we crossed geographies and cultures in our work from October 2017 to September 2019 to build partnerships among communities, governments and responsible investors to overcome poverty, combat climate change, increase food security and foster gender equity and inclusion.
We bridged social and political landscapes to secure land rights and build capacity for all, from the highlands of South Sulawesi, Indonesia to the Malay Peninsula, from the Sacred Himalaya in Nepal to the forests of Tanzania.
We transformed conflict and strengthened cooperation, securing rights to land and resources for women, Indigenous Peoples and other marginalized groups. Through dialogue we enabled reforms in community forestry in partnership with alliances, such as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) headquartered in Indonesia, and the South African Development Community based in Botswana.
Our work continues, coordinated from our main office in Bangkok and offices in seven countries throughout the Asia-Pacific.