RECOFTC and Wyss Academy for Nature research funding opportunity

RECOFTC and the Wyss Academy for Nature are inviting proposals from scholars conducting fieldwork on community forestry in Southeast Asia. All prospective grantees must either be affiliated with Kasetsart University or current graduate students at the university. While we invite proposals from scholars working across Southeast Asia, we will prioritize those related to research in Lao PDR and Thailand.
RECOFTC is dedicated to enhancing community forestry practices across the Asia-Pacific region, recognizing the vital role that sustainable forest management plays in achieving landscape resilience. The Wyss Academy for Nature offers a new approach to tackling pressing issues at the intersection of climate change, biodiversity loss and land use change, as well as understanding their implications for human wellbeing and inequality.
Aligned with the global sustainability goals, RECOFTC and the Wyss Academy for Nature are offering small grants to support researchers exploring innovative solutions that enhance ecosystem resilience while addressing local, community needs in the Asia-Pacific region.
RECOFTC and Wyss Academy are delighted to partner with Kasetsart University in supporting research in Southeast Asia with this research grant scheme.
Support research initiatives through financial assistance for master's and PhD students to conduct fieldwork that contributes to the understanding and improvement of community forestry and landscape management practices, specifically in Lao PDR and Thailand.
Promote sustainable practices to encourage research that identifies and promotes sustainable land-use strategies, thereby enhancing landscape resilience against climate change and other environmental challenges.
Foster collaboration to facilitate partnerships between students and local communities, ensuring that research outcomes are grounded in local realities and can effectively inform policy and practice for further development programmes, specifically in Lao PDR and Thailand.
The aim is not only to advance academic research but also to create meaningful impact within communities by fostering sustainable practices that enhance landscape resilience.
Indicative areas of research may cover one or more of the following:
- community forestry for biodiversity conservation
- integrated landscape management
- sustainable finance for landscape restoration
- economic incentives for sustainable landscape management
- agroforestry for resilient landscapes
- value chain research for sustainable products
An emphasis on transboundary research will also be valuable.
- Affiliated with Kasetsart University or enrolled in a graduate programme at the university in forestry, agriculture, environmental science or a related field with a focus on community engagement and sustainable practices (with an emphasis on integrated solutions for agriculture, watershed management and/or forestry).
- Research focus on Southeast Asia, with preference for research performed in Lao PDR and/or Thailand.
- Research methodology must be participatory and actively involve local communities. It must also align with the promotion of sustainable forest management.
- Researchers must be committed to sharing findings with stakeholders, including local communities and policymakers.
Note: The funding period covered is from 1 March 2025 to 28 February 2026.
- Proposal development: Interested students and advisors should prepare a detailed research proposal outlining their research questions, methodology, expected outcomes, and how the project will benefit local communities.
- Submission: The proposals must be submitted along with relevant CVs highlighting the prospective grantees’ academic achievements and field experience by 31 December 2024.
- Review process: Submitted proposals will be evaluated based on relevance to the objectives outlined by RECOFTC and Wyss Academy for Nature and their feasibility, potential impact on community forestry practices and engagement with local stakeholders.
- Grant award notification: Successful applicants will be notified and provided guidelines for managing the grant funds effectively (20 January 2025). Grant agreements will be signed with each hosting department before 31 January 2025.
- Grant inception and onboarding: Successful applicants will go through a two-hour inception workshop with RECOFTC and Wyss Academy for Nature (25 February). This will cover the subgranting guidelines, code of conduct, and introductions.
- Fieldwork implementation: The approved fieldwork will have to be conducted according to the proposed timeline while maintaining regular communication with RECOFTC and Wyss Academy mentors for guidance and support (1 March 2025 to 28 February 2026).
- Reporting:
- Grantees must submit a short quarterly update and a six-month progress report highlighting key progress, issues or challenges in conducting the field research, and proposed adaptive interventions.
- Upon completion of the fieldwork, grantees must:
- Submit a comprehensive report (not more than six pages) and presentation detailing their findings, analysis results, challenges faced during the research process, and recommendations for future initiatives.
- Hold a 60-minute online or in-person learning session for RECOFTC and Wyss Academy members and other interested audiences within 30 days after the completion of the fieldwork.
- Share a final research document that has been approved by their supervisor and the relevant department (Kasetsart University designated focal point).
Applicants should present a rationale and motivation, along with a detailed budget with expenses clearly linked to the specific steps of their fieldwork. The budget should not exceed USD 10,000 and should be more than USD 5,000. Depending on the grant submissions received, there will be up to four small grants offered. Fieldwork should preferably be carried out in Lao PDR and Thailand. The grant can only cover direct costs associated with the field research activities. It does not include human resources, capital investments over USD 1,000, honoraria, compensation or consultancy fees.
Application requirements
The application should be submitted to by 3:00pm, Bangkok time, on 31 December 2024. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.
The application should contain the following:
- Motivation letter
- Research plan – should not exceed six pages (including the following sections):
- Title
- Background and rationale
- Research aims and partners
- Research methodology
- Timeline
- Anticipated results
- Detailed budget plan
- Support letter from advisor
Grant selection criteria
- Technical appropriateness of research
- Benefits and potential application in community forestry or integrated landscape management
- Research methodology
- Involvement of local community and partners/stakeholders
- Research communication
- Supporting RECOFTC and Wyss Academy for Nature overall programming for the region (with an emphasis on Lao PDR and Thailand)
- Realistic timeline and budget
- Co-funding where applicable
Grant recipient qualifications
- Academic background
- Interest, involvement and experience working on the research topics
- Commitment to get local people involved in the research process
- Support from advisor and committee members
Budget plan
- Clear, detailed budget plan
- Realistic costs
Please submit your proposals to by 3:00pm Bangkok time on 31 December 2024.