Talk of the Forest
In the Tonle Sap Biosphere Reserve, RECOFTC is supporting the development and implementation of community-based fire management plans in nine...
In Focus
In Lam Dong province, Viet Nam, vast pine forests are highly vulnerable to fires during the dry season. The combination of dry pine needles, grass...
An article published in The Guardian in May 2024 highlights two significant successes in the forestry sector of Oaxaca, Mexico – a decline in...
In Focus
In Da Quyn, a commune in Viet Nam’s Duc Trong district, Lam Dong province, community members patrol the forest daily as part of a contract with a...
In Focus
Forest fire season in Southeast Asia starts in January, reaching its peak in April. Smoke from these fires leads to a subsequent increase in...
Notes from the Field
In the lush expanses of Bokeo Province in Lao PDR, communities are connected to the forest. For them, the forest is a vital lifeline, providing...
Notes from the Field
In late October 2023, the Community-based Fire Management (CBFiM) project, supported by the USDA Forest Service, hosted a regional learning lab event...
Notes from the Field
On 24 August 2023, we organized the Capacity Development and Needs Assessment (CDNA) workshop in Pursat, Cambodia, as part of our commitment to...
Talk of the Forest
The Community-based Fire Management (CBFiM) project, launched in October 2022, could not be more timely and important to the lower Mekong countries....