RECOFTC Announces New Four Year Project: FLOURISH

On 26 June 2018, Dr. Chandra Silori, Brian Cohen, and Dr. David Ganz launched the IKI funded FLOURISH project with INBAR - International Network for Bamboo and Rattan, Technical University Dresden, Germany, and Nan Community College, Thailand at the Global Bamboo and Rattan Congress in Beijing, China.
RECOFTC, along with its partners, has been developing FLOURISH since May 2018. Unique to the sector, the intent is to streamline discussions around Forest Landscape Restoration and create sustainable private - community based partnerships.
"Overall, what stands out in FLOURISH is that its success will come from sustained community-private sector partnerships while simultaneously addressing climate change, biodiversity and livelihoods interests," writes Dr. Chandra Silori in the introduction of the project, reiterating the project's ultimate aim.
This initiative will take place in three countries: Thailand, Viet Nam, and Lao PDR.