Publication Search Tips
The publications area of the RECOFTC website has its own dedicated search function and allows for 'full-text' searching across all publication abstracts, titles, publishers, authors as well as all attached documents (all the text in attached PDFs is included in search results).
Search terms can also be combined with any of the available 'filters' in the left-side option panels. For example, in the image below, the search term 'forest conflict' has been combined with the 'Climate Change (Adaptation and Mitigation)' filter...

There are also several options for full-text search. Multiple search terms can be combined using AND/OR, and can be grouped with parenthesis.
For example:
REDD AND (livlihoods OR community)
...will find all publications that include the term 'REDD' along with either word 'livlihoods' or 'community'.
To search for an exact phrase, surround the phrase with double quotes.
For example:
...will find all publications containing that exact phrase.
There are also a few special prefixes that can be added to the start of the search term or phrase. For example, to limit your search to publication names only (i.e., none of the other text in the publication will be searched - only the title), add name:
at the beginning of your search.
For example:
...will find all publications whose title contains 'Community Forestry'.