In Focus
For almost a decade now, the Mekong Region Land Governance (MRLG) project has been working to strengthen customary tenure policies and practices in...
Ahead of the 20th session of the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF20) scheduled for May 2025, an expert group meeting on strengthening the...
In Focus
Every year, Southeast Asia grapples with a haze crisis due to forest fires, causing environmental, economic and social damage. Most of these fires...
In Focus
In Nan province, Thailand, highland communities have long relied on fire for farming and foraging. However, uncontrolled fires can inadvertently lead...
Talk of the Forest
Thailand is one of the world’s most biodiverse countries, supporting over 15,000 plant species and around the same number of animal species. Its...
It is critical for Indigenous voices to be integrated into high-integrity carbon markets. As the global community advances efforts to address climate...
Stories of Change
People aged 16–30 make up approximately 24 percent of Indonesia’s population. In the social forestry sector, their participation is crucial to...
In Focus
Community forests in Thailand are teeming with flora and fauna vital to community livelihoods and healthy ecosystems. As buffer zones of protected...
Talk of the Forest
Forest communities do not always have secure land rights. In Thailand, several land allocation policies have been implemented to strengthen tenure...